05. The Role of Employees in Employee Development

The Role of Employees in Employee Development

According to David Ingram, Employee development is the deliberate enhancement of your staff members' professional abilities through targeted instruction and supervised practise. Employee development programmes have the potential to enhance employees' personal growth by imparting skills such as effective conflict resolution, which can have a positive impact on several aspects of their lives. However, for an employee development programme to be successful, workers must be accountable for responding to and seizing the possibilities that their employers present.

Taking Initiative

In order to prepare them for a future promotion, employee development programmes may involve identifying potential management candidates on the front lines and assigning them additional responsibilities and training. It is the duty of employees to communicate to management their aspirations and desire to advance in their careers; nevertheless, they must attract management's attention by demonstrating exceptional performance both individually and as a team.


It is imperative that employees approach employee development programmes with a good mindset. Employees' ability to advance professionally might be severely hampered by an entitled or complacent attitude. For example, when an employer assigns a worker to a new task, the worker should see this as a chance to learn and develop rather than as something that requires extra effort. Furthermore, rather than whining that training is a waste of time, staff members should make the most of their training opportunities.

Workplace Politics

Programmes for employee development cannot always give every employee the same attention at the same time, and not every employee is motivated to advance both personally and professionally. Negative workplace politics arise when some employees participate in development programmes while others do not. Workers have an obligation to refrain from making disparaging remarks about or treating others unfairly who benefit from development programmes, as well as from treating non-participating staff members with contempt.

How can employees contribute most effectively in an organisation's growth

According to Akshay Bhatt (2022 Dec),When a company is established, an Owner is responsible for assembling the team, providing them with training, and developing the Leader—who will then be able to direct and oversee the group on his behalf. The organization's main working system, policies, and code of conduct are also developed in order to manage the business in a methodical and desired manner. All of these procedures help the group expand the company in the manner that the owner has planned. Thus, the growth of leaders becomes crucial to guaranteeing the smooth operation of the organisation. It can support other staff members in staying focused and dedicated to realising the expansion of the company.


  1. Ingram D. , The Role of Employees in Employee Development, [Online], Available at: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/role-employees-employee-development-11134.html [ Accessed on 18th of November 2023]
  2. Peek S. (2023 Oct 30) , How employees Make or break Business success, [Online], Available at: https://www.business.com/articles/how-employees-make-or-break-business-success-and-how-you-can-lead-the-way/ [ Accessed on 18th of November 2023]
  3. Bhatt A. (2022 Dec 11) , How can employees contribute most effectively in an organisation's growth, [Online], Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-can-employees-contribute-most-effectively-growth-akshay-bhatt/ [ Accessed on 18th of November 2023]


  1. Employees play a pivotal role in an organization's growth by embracing proactive attitudes toward development. They empower growth by communicating aspirations, displaying exceptional performance, and adopting positive mindsets. Upholding respect amid varying participation levels in development programs fosters an inclusive environment, ensuring collective advancement towards the company's goals.

  2. Dear Dinesh,
    The article emphasizes the critical role of employee development programs in enhancing professional abilities and fostering personal growth. It also touches upon the importance of employees taking initiative, having the right attitude, and navigating workplace dynamics effectively to make the most of these programs.
    In terms of employee development, how can organizations balance between offering opportunities for growth and ensuring that all employees feel valued and motivated, especially when not everyone might participate in the same development programs?

  3. According to your article, my conclusion is employees play an active and central role in their own development. Taking ownership of the development process, being proactive, and continuously seeking opportunities for growth contribute not only to individual success but also to the overall success and effectiveness of the organization.

  4. A well explained article about the role of employees in an organization and the qualities that are required.


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